First Name Basis - a TribalScale Podcast

Women in Tech with Hilton Thompson from Zinnia

Episode Summary

TribalScale's HR Manager, Nicola Watson, is joined by Hilton Thompson, the Head of Events at Zinnia — Tune in to this week's episode to learn more about the lack of women in the tech industry, what Atlanta Tech Village is doing to remedy this and all the details about TribalScale's upcoming Women in Tech event in Atlanta, Georgia. All this and more on this episode of #FirstNameBasis!

Episode Notes

TribalScale's HR Manager, Nicola Watson, is joined by Hilton Thompson, the Head of Events at Zinnia — Tune in to this week's episode to learn more about the growing presence of women in tech, what Atlanta Tech Village is doing to remedy this and all the details about TribalScale's upcoming Women in Tech event in Atlanta Georgia. All this and more on this episode of #FirstNameBasis!

1:00 - TribalScale's hiring and recruiting process

2:00 - How we found Atlanta Tech Village and the company's background

4:15 - What Atlanta Tech Village is doing for women in tech

7:00 - The growing presence of women in the tech industry 

13:50 - TribalScale's upcoming women in tech event

15:55 - The importance of networking 

20:00 - The future of Atlanta Tech Village

21:45 - Transitioning to hybrid work after the pandemic